samantha brings her energy, realness, and humor to light up any room

Samantha loves to share how we can actually have it ALL. 
As a mom of two young boys, having worked full-time & built her business, be in a thriving relationship, train as a top placing ultra marathon athlete, and overall still take care of yourself & have down time.

She loves to share how we can be parents, have a successul business, have thriving relationships, be our healthiest -even pursue athletic adventures, and still be able to take overall care of ourselves & have down time.

Samantha KNOWS how to make healthy habits simple & doable so everyone can live their healthiest 2.0 version of themselves, whether that means losing the weight & maintaining it for life, running the race, or creating the best body they've ever had.  NO MATTER what the circumstances are...meaning: working 18 hr days, check.  Post partum or have 6 kids at home, working and no support, check.  Running a business while working full-time & a parent, check. 

Her unique approach, tips & tools that have helped hundreds of men & women change their lives and she loves to share and help every KNOW this is possible for them. 

simple & doable health

How to not quit at your ‘Mile 85’ -lessons from running a 100 mile race that you can apply to life.

Living an ULTRA Life -lessons from running 100 miles that anyone can use going after their goals

You are NOT DONE.  How to keep going EVEN WHEN.

having it all

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Keynote Topics

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Samantha enjoys speaking at corporate, public, and private events on the following topics.

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